Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Friday, August 24, 2012
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Friday, May 25, 2012
Monday, May 21, 2012
Solar Eclipse May 20, 2012
With welding mask in hand, last night (May 20, 2012) we took the family up onto the hill to {safely} view the solar eclipse, here in Winnipeg. I'm not sure how much the kids enjoyed the eclipse, but they definitely had a great time running and playing* on the hill. I think I can safely say a good time was had by all...
*Running & playing photos to follow!

Thursday, April 26, 2012
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Yep this photo was a total OOPPSS...ok well maybe not a TOTAL ooppss... Wanna know what happened? Read it below!
The kids were outside playing, and hubby was making dinner, and I was working on my "photo of the day". (Now that I put that all into words, it sounds like a pretty perfect moment!) Anyway that perfect moment didn't last long; one kid came barrelling in, fighting & yelling at the other one that was still outside, "Im going IN!!" Slamming the door behind... so of course "Peace Maker Mom" goes to the door to put out "the fire". So with my camera in hand - because remember that perfect moment where I was working on getting my "water" photo, I go to the back door. Next, in comes kid number 2... with my "photo a day challenge" on my mind (which was "take a photo of water") I couldn't help but notice the kids covered in snow "water", and the bright light shinning in from the back door window. So without even thinking, I just start snapping...I didn't even change my settings... LUCKILY this was one of the photos... now Im not really sure if it counts for a water photo, but it sure counts as a favourite photo!
Now maybe you're thinking "looks like a pretty good photo", but if given the chance I totally would have reduced my aperture in order to have her hat & more of the fur in focus - but I'll totally take this! I DO I love my close crop & the colouring (the pink in her hat, lips & on her cold rosy cheeks)!
Thanks for looking and reading about my accidental photo! (BTW I think it turned out WAY better than my "puposeful" water photo that I was working on moments before! :( oh well can't win them all!)
Oh & if you want to follow my "The Maternal Lens MARCH Photo a Day Challenge" check out here on my FaceBook album!

Friday, March 2, 2012
Which Do YOU like better? Tell me on Facebook!
After you decide GO HERE TO MY FACEBOOK page and let me know what you think! Would love some feedback!! (Oh & if you click on the images you can view them larger)

Thursday, March 1, 2012
March 1 "Something that Makes you Smile"
My daughter's rainbow printing & spelling makes me smile. But her message makes my heart smile even bigger!
For those who don't read "Grade 1" here is a translation:
For those who don't read "Grade 1" here is a translation:
"You're doing a great job at keeping your desk clean! Keep it up!"
(A note for a friend at school!)

And as a side note I already LOVE this photo challenge! Here are some other things that make me smile:
-Capturing my daughters printing in action
-How my my kids are sharing 1 chair
-The smile & gleam on my "not so baby" baby's face (cause he's colouring with sister)
-The way my "baby" looks at his Big Sister

Tuesday, February 28, 2012
My baby is TWO!!
Every year, for each of the kids, I try to make a special "unique to them" cake. In the past 10 years I have tried everything from a "Dirt Cake in a dump truck" equipped with gummy worms & bugs (which might get repeated next year around this time), a bear cake made from scratch (no cake mix or pan mold), burger cupcakes, cake pops, to licensed characters like Tinkerbell, Stitch, and Sonic the Hedgehog. From my experiences, I now aim for EASY, great tasting cakes that have impact - without all of the finicky details. The cake I made last year (found here), and the cake below truly fall into that category!
Facing the challenge of a never done before cake, unique to my now 2 year old, I remembered the cake one of my FB friends made. As my little guy has been learning his colours I knew it was the perfect cake! Luckily this cake is plastered all over Pinterest and the internet, making it easy to find some directions with GREAT tips. So I jumped on the bandwagon and made the infamous rainbow cake. To further the theme, I took some direction from the baby toys that once filled our floors and thought it was a perfect opportunity to sadly say good bye to "baby" and those chunky, primary coloured toys and embrace our "big boy"and the dirt bikes, Tonka trucks, and super heros that come along with that. As all of that unfolded it was no mistake that our bright and bold birthday had a secondary theme of stripes & polka dots (my FAVOURITE!!) I was SO ecstatic to find free printable hats and pinwheels here to support that idea!! And after all of that work, OF COURSE I was going to take PHOTOS!! So here they are!! Let me know if you want any additional tips or tricks to make your own!!

Sunday, February 5, 2012
I can't believe I didn't post these photos. I guess I put them on my Facebook page & forgot, OOPPS!! My little guy LOVES this hat SO much he refuses to wear anything else than the "monk" hat! Luckily it has been a mild winter here!
To see more hats like this, visit Unique Kidz website HERE!

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