Saturday, March 3, 2012


Yep this photo was a total OOPPSS...ok well maybe not a TOTAL ooppss... Wanna know what happened? Read it below!

The kids were outside playing, and hubby was making dinner, and I was working on my "photo of the day". (Now that I put that all into words, it sounds like a pretty perfect moment!) Anyway that perfect moment didn't last long; one kid came barrelling in, fighting & yelling at the other one that was still outside, "Im going IN!!" Slamming the door behind... so of course "Peace Maker Mom" goes to the door to put out "the fire". So with my camera in hand - because remember that perfect moment where I was working on getting my "water" photo, I go to the back door. Next, in comes kid number 2... with my "photo a day challenge" on my mind (which was "take a photo of water") I couldn't help but notice the kids covered in snow "water",  and the bright light shinning in from the back door window. So without even thinking, I just start snapping...I didn't even change my settings... LUCKILY this was one of the photos... now Im not really sure if it counts for a water photo, but it sure counts as a favourite photo! 

Now maybe you're thinking "looks like a pretty good photo", but if given the chance I totally would have reduced my aperture in order to have her hat & more of the fur in focus - but I'll totally take this! I DO I love my close crop & the colouring (the pink in her hat, lips & on her cold rosy cheeks)!  

Thanks for looking and reading about my accidental photo! (BTW I think it turned out WAY better than my "puposeful" water photo that I was working on moments before! :( oh well can't win them all!)

Oh & if you want to follow my "The Maternal Lens MARCH Photo a Day Challenge" check out here on my FaceBook album!

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